Thursday, August 11, 2011

How can I get my dad to love me?

My parents have been divorced since I was 5. I got to see my father twice a month until I was 10. When I was 10 years old my mom got quite ill and we moved from Texas to Minnesota because they had much better health care, and my aunt worked at the Mayo Clinic at the time. After we moved my father used to call me every weekend and we'd talk for about and hour. Then after a couple of years he'd only call on birthdays and holidays, and our hour long conversations had turned into 5 minutes. As soon as I turned 18 he was pretty much non-existant. He didn't come up for my high school graduation like he promised. He stopped calling me, he wouldn't return my calls or texts. I hadn't spoken to him or gotten a text from him in 5 months, I was freaking out I thought he was dead! One day he finally returned my call and said he was sorry and that he had just been busy. Am I crazy for being concerned, and am I too needy? I mean a text only takes like 15 seconds to write, that would have been enough. I feel like he just doesn't care at all about me. He didn't call me when my mom told him I had been in 3 car accidents in one week, I wasn't the driver in any of them btw. He didn't say anything when I texted him that I got into college. He didn't pick up the phone or reply when I wished him a Happy Father's day. Did I do something wrong? I just don't get it, I'm an only child; I'm suppose to be the favorite!

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