Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Why am I not losing weight?

Cut calories to 1200 or 1300 a day if you dont do any exercise and you will lose, also try eating a ton of fiber. I ate that fiber1 cereal and stuff all the time and took well over 100% of the recommend fiber value in (which is fine if you drink lots of water) Cut out the pasta and rice/sushi for a bit, the corn chips, and the viggie burgers and hotdogs (just me instinct telling me you should) . Stick to chicken breast and fish. Subways fine, I used to eat the turkey sub, no cheese but everything on it (vegies, olives, peppers, tomatoes, all of it!) on whole wheat with a little beat of fat free sweet onion sauce. It was delish and only like 350 calories (good calories) get it on whole wheat of course! As weird as this might sounds, I never drank milk the whole time. I took calcium pills. Instead of spending 100 calories by adding milk I would add 100 more calories and eat my cereal dry, or mix it into oatmeal( which is awesome) This will allow you to feel more full. None of this advice is professional but it worked for me. In my opinion information coming from someone who was in the same position is more knowledgable than a professional who hasnt struggled and adapted to weight loss.

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