Friday, August 5, 2011

Can someone please give me some words of encouragement?

I'm an 18 year old 2011 high school graduate. I'm being kicked out of my home by my mother. I don't feel like I have a home. I'm distant from my whole family. I turn to church because it makes me feel at home. I love it, and I love God, but the more I go, the more I grow dependent on it. Now it's gotten to the point that whenever I'm not there, I feel nonexistent. I pray and read the Bible on a regular basis, but I'm beginning not to feel anything. My girlfriend and her family welcome me to their house with open arms, but it still doesn't feel like home, and when I go over there, my mom stops talking to me or fights with me for weeks at a time because she doesn't like them. It's 1 AM where I am, and this is probably the fifth night in a row I haven't been able to sleep. My own room feels like a foreign place to me. Right now, I'm looking to Yahoo Answers to pour my heart out on because I don't feel like I can talk to anyone else. Can someone please give me some words of encouragement...?

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