Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Is there anyone at CBS that could help me with getting names of highly qualified neurologists in the US?

My daughter Michelle, 30, has a disease that doctors can not figure out. Three years ago, Feb. 2008, she began feeling dizzy, continuaully got UTIs, then she was cold all the time, then she began stumbling. Doctors here in Marshfield, WI, first thought MS, then ALS, and sent Michelle to Madison. Drs there ruled out both those and by now, she was also having spasms in her legs and arms. This was Jan. 2009. She had to quit work because she was so exhausted from her muscles spasms all day long. She couldn't remember the drive home. She progressed to using a cane in early 2009 and then a walker by late summer '09. She has had numerous MRIs, CAT scans, spinal taps, blood/urine tests, all coming back 'normal.' She began using a wheelchair 2010. At home she can still move with her walker; in public, her chair. Jan. 2011 we went to Mayo at Rochester, MN. Drs there also came up with no answers. Four months ago she was fitted with braces for her ankles. The back muscles of the ankles were becoming very tight, causing her feet to droop and turn inward when sitting. March 12, this year, she began having full-fledged seizures, second one 3 wks later and now on meds for that. Tests at 3 different facilities showed no signs that she had any seizures either time. I would just like to know if anyone out there can help, at least a diagnosis, and maybe an answer to some needed treatments. PLEASE help if you can. I truly look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Ann Ziegler, Marshfield, WI, or phone: (715) 387-0412 or address: 109 N. Vine Ave., Marshfield, WI, 54449. Thank you.

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