Thursday, August 4, 2011

Is this the reaction I should have given when he apologized to me?????

Theres this guy I was seeing in early January, I met him in a club and slept with him the next day :( which I regretted, he took me out for a meal the next day and we'd got to know each other a bit more, then I slept with him. We kept seeing each other after that and going out together, we went clubbing and to the cinema. Then after a month he was telling me you are nice, funny, sweet etc its a pleasure being with you. Then all of a sudden he told me he didn't want to see me again (he'd found another girl, I saw it on his facebook and he was in a relationship with her) this is a week or so after he ditched me, they started dating. Then in April (3 months later) he messaged me on facebook saying sorry for what I did, I regret it, I was stupid.. the other girl did me worse. The reply I gave to him was one of anger, I said I couldn't believe he'd ditched me and hurt me, and that I'd really liked him etc. I told him when we were out together that he was sometimes dancing with other girls, and maybe she saw that too and didn't like it. He replied one last time saying I was completely different with her, I respected her more than any other girl (e.g me). I told my friend earlier about it earlier, and she said at the time I should have said its fine, whatever when he replied, and then he would have maybe wanted more... I did like him still at the time, I was angry.. was the apology from him a suggestion that he wanted more, or was it just to get rid of his guilt? since then hes never bothered to speak to me or reply when I've contacted him.

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