Friday, August 5, 2011

Ladies (mainly college age): would you date a guy like me?

You actually sound really great to me...where do you go to school haha? I think the only problem you might have is that you menitoned that you might come off as anti-social. Personally, I am that way myself...I'm a little bit shy and it's not that I don't want to talk to people and make friends, I"m just not good at starting things up...I like the other person to appraoch me. This I have found to be a problem. College, community college especially seems to be a place that you really have to work to make friends. People are there for different reasons and terms are short - just as you're starting ot get used to things and starting to talk to the people in your classes, all of the sudden the term is over. You all go your seperate ways and never see eachother again. So, if you really want to meet people, you're going to have to try harder. Talk to them, be friendly, ask them to hang out. It doesn't have to be like asking them out at first, you could simply ask them to hang out in the hall and study, work on a group project together, etc. or see if they'd like to go to coffee on campus or something like that. Then once you're comfortable around them and know that they're into you as well, then you can take it to the next step and ask them to dinner or whatever. You seem like a cool person to me, you're just going to have to work a little harder ot meet people. I go to community college as well and to be honest, it's lonely there for me. I have my same old friends, but I only see them on weekends or special occasions because they're off at other schools or doing other things. I haven't made very many friends in community college and ask long as the guy wasn't a complete creep (which you don't sound like a creep at all!) I would be flattered and excited if a guy showed some interest in being my friend or something more and asked me to hang out. Just go for it! Good luck!

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