Tuesday, August 2, 2011

What is this girls deal? Did I do something wrong?

So I met this girl about 2 months ago, we txt every night for like 3-6hrs, then I asked her out she said yes, next day she said that wouldnt work she had something going on.. So I asked her out again she said she didn't know, then I finally told her I liked her and she said she was dating someone, and she wanted to be friends. I said okay, I hung out with her and some friends about 2 weeks ago we had fun, and I txt her that night, well after that we didn't speak for 2 until 2 weeks until last night! She put this sad post on FB, so I txt whats wrong? she said everything, I asked like what, she said family, me friends.. Then I ask whats wrong with your family? She said all I can tell u is I'm sick and it's causing family problems, I understood and changed the subject, well she kept going back to the fact she was sick! So I told her I can't help u if I don't know whats going on.. Then she gets Angry she replies with I appreciate it but I don't want to talk about it!! I said I didn't ask you what was wrong.. Then she says Just stop. Please!! At this point I am so confused.. So I just respond with " I sincerely apologize if I pushed you to far, that was not my intentions by any means! Again I'm sorry!! She said " It's okay" last thing we txt each other.. Did I do something wrong?? I feel like $hit cause I feel like I hurt her, which were not my intentions at all... How can I mend this or how should I txt her??

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