Friday, August 5, 2011

Why won't he call me back?

So for the summer, I decided to move out to a small little tourist town and work to save money up for college. After a week of being here, I met a guy named ben who lives in another town a few miles up the road. We talked for about an hour, and I found out he had moved up to live with his dad and work on the oil fields, and save up money for college as well. We talked for about an hour, and then I had to leave so I walked away without thinking anything. Two weeks later, Ben was in town, and he ending up running into my roommate. He asked her to give his number to me. Two days later ben and I went on our first date. It went really well, and we began to hang out night after night. It has been only three weeks since we first began hanging out, and he brought up the topic of once the summer is over, he wants to move out to my college town. We get a long really really well, and we have talked about conversations such as how many kids we want, and he had told me that I was different and special compared to the other girls he has dated. Last friday, he asked me to meet his father. I had planned to, but couldn't due to a situaton that had arose, and promised that the following saturday night I would meet his family. The following saturday night, Ben stopped my work and wanted to borrow my car for a few minutes. I gave him my car keys, and when he came back he apologized and promised me that he would explain everything later. He told me to give him a call once I got done with work that night so we could meet up and I could meet his family. After work that night, I called him, left him a message, and he never got back to me. I texted him monday night hoping his day went well, and I wanted to know how he was doing. He still didn't respond. I called him at 1 pm on Tuesday, and his phone went straight to voice mail, and tried again later that night to have his phone ring but he didn't answer. Finally wednesday night, I decided to leave him a voicemail and having it be my last attempt to reach out to him. I left him a voicemail hoping everything was okay, and I was worried since I had not heard from him since saturday night. Now it has been a week since I last saw him and talked to him. I never thought he would be the guy to just start ignoring me, and especially after how he said he wanted to move by me come the end of the summer just two nights earlier. I am trying to just accept the fact, and just move on and get over him, but I just have a feeling that something is wrong and it doesn't add up why he would just stop talking to me. Should I just get over him, or could something actually be going on in his life that would make him unable to talk to me? Thanks for the advice.

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