Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Was there a favorite treat meal when you were a child?

growing up i was the youngest of 4 children my dad was very ill and unable to work , so my mom was the only one with a pay check , now while we didnt go hungry we alway grew a huge garden , and my mom and us kids canned, froze or dried everything , we raised a hog every year and butchered our own chickens. but our big treat every saturday (grocery shopping day) was my mom would buy ground round, real buns , frozen fench fries and cottage cheese sliced onion, tomato, homemade pickles, mayo ( still the best hambuger i ever had) and a 6 pack of coke one bottle for each of us and to this day its my favorite meal my job was to put the cokes in the freezer to get cold , so i had to keep a close eye on them so they wouldnt freeze and break , looking back i think this was to get me out of the way while my mom cooked it was the one day a week we were all home at the same time, i loved saturdays

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