Friday, August 12, 2011

What is a good way to punish your boyfriend?

Caught my boyfriend in a lie because I asked him to stay in and work on his college courses and he said he would but then he went down to the beach. He needs to keep up a gpa in order to get money for school, he doesnt have the gpa he needs right now or the money to pay his own way. I was upset he went but he told me he was thrown out of his house and this was the only place he could stay. That was a lie because his mom called me asking if i heard from him because she hadnt heard from him in two days. he also got off the phone with me earlier to say his mom was calling him. His mom told me that he had not been thrown out of his house he told her about this trip earlier in the week. I am pretty hurt by this, I did not see it coming. I know he did not cheat on me while he was down there but why did we have to lie. I think punish is a bad word I do not want to be that weirdo girlfriend but I think that I am worth a little more than to be lied to. I am having trouble thinking of a way to deal with this. When we fight usually it is a scream match untill we both calm down and apologize. I did nothing wrong and now I really dont believe he is sorry just sorry he got caught. He also knew his mom had my cell number so its his own dumb fault he didnt call her. How should I make it known that he isnt getting away with this i am really hurt by not just screaming at him for it

Trying to study for a test please help with my geography?

1) poverty 2) Guyana 3) Lima 4) Chicago? 5) Indigenous 6) ? 7) D 8) ? 9) Cinco de Mayo 10) Sao Paolo

Is this the reaction I should have given when he apologized to me?????

Theres this guy I was seeing in early January, I met him in a club and slept with him the next day :( which I regretted, he took me out for a meal the next day and we'd got to know each other a bit more, then I slept with him. We kept seeing each other after that and going out together, we went clubbing and to the cinema. Then after a month he was telling me you are nice, funny, sweet etc its a pleasure being with you. Then all of a sudden he told me he didn't want to see me again (he'd found another girl, I saw it on his facebook and he was in a relationship with her) this is a week or so after he ditched me, they started dating. Then in April (3 months later) he messaged me on facebook saying sorry for what I did, I regret it, I was stupid.. the other girl did me worse. The reply I gave to him was one of anger, I said I couldn't believe he'd ditched me and hurt me, and that I'd really liked him etc. I told him when we were out together that he was sometimes dancing with other girls, and maybe she saw that too and didn't like it. He replied one last time saying I was completely different with her, I respected her more than any other girl (e.g me). I told my friend earlier about it earlier, and she said at the time I should have said its fine, whatever when he replied, and then he would have maybe wanted more... I did like him still at the time, I was angry.. was the apology from him a suggestion that he wanted more, or was it just to get rid of his guilt? since then hes never bothered to speak to me or reply when I've contacted him.

Am feeling guilty about getting intimate with a friend, given that I already have a boy friend..?

I want a man to go down on me, lick my vagina, **** me from the behind and then we **** until the sun comes up?

Confused on fundamental multiple-choice problems?

1] x^2(5x^2+8)/x^2(3x^2-16)=(5x^2+8)/(3x^2-… , now replace x by 0 , 8/-16 =-1/2 . [2] f'=-3sin3x , f'(pi/9)=-3sin(3*pi/9)=-3sin(pi/3)=-3sqr… . [3] f(lnx)=(lnx)^2+2lnx , d/dx=2lnx*1/x+2/x=(2lnx+2)/x

What are some healthy, easy, and good lunch ideas I can take to school?

I'm on weight watchers and I have 27 point a day, keep that in mind. I hate sandwiches unless I can have lots of mayo on them which obviously I can't on a diet. I also don't like salads unless I can have ranch dressing, lots of ranch dressing, which I can only have a little on a diet. I don't have access to a microwave at school so stuff that has to be heated up is out of the question. Any suggestions? Please and thank you! (:

Will mayonnaise make you fat?

Ok so for lunch and dinner I usually always have a meat sandwich to get certain exchanges for a required meal plan and on my sandwiches I put on a tsp. of miracle whip, or so I thought, it was really mayo because my grandma thought it was mw and I was wondering if consuming those 2 tsp. of mayo on my sandwiches would make me fat?

How do I make downloaded kindle books look as good as the actual ones from the kindle store?

Unfortunately this is a problem, especially with converted files. You can try to manually edit the .mobi files, but that's about it.

Is the IT field accepting of body jewelry, and tattoos?

Its all dependent on your boss, I'm not in IT but the plant manager hires the IT guys for my plant and he absolutely hates tattoos and won't hire or promote people with visible tattoos, I suppose if your boss doesn't care then it won't matter, but why give them the choice.

Does mayo go bad in the fridge?

I have mayo that expired a year ago but its been in the fridge the whole time and it looks, smells and tastes good. Does mayo go bad if its in the fridge the whole time?

How would i know about this boy ?

Aww poor kid. He might be gay, or just curious and trying to figure out his feelings/sexuality. I'm guessing you're straight? I mean unless you plan on turning gay (nothing wrong with that), just be nice to him and explain to him you dont feel that way about him.

Why are asian men popular on the internet but not in Hollywood?

What makes no sense to me is how asian men get hundreds of millions of views on youtube and are wildly popular in subjects like comedy, singing, philosophy, etc, yet they are almost nonexistent in the mainstream media and are only represented as abnormal, homosexual, foreign caricatures. Not to mention almost EVERY asian woman represented in the mainstream media is almost NEVER with an asian man, romantically or even platonically, despite the how starkly different reality is. I am a huge skeptic and would like to think this discrepancy is just a coincidence, but sometimes I think this falls into conspiracy territory and that whoever controls this country, especially the media, really has it out to really do harm to asian men. How could there be some evil concerted effort to purposely squash an entire people out of existence? Is this just all in my head? Because as an asian man, when I go out to the movies and watch TV, I am left feeling worthless, invisible, and humiliated, but yet when I'm on the internet, I am left feeling empowered, capable, and belonging to a greater society. Thoughts?

How can i talk to my doctor about my depression?

I'm 20 years old and I've never talked to my doctor about depression--my mom's always been in the room with me and I've never felt comfortable. Now, though, she's scheduled me an appointment to talk about my insomnia and I'm finally going to get my chance to talk to him- I think. I figure that'll be one of the questions he asks when doing his assessment. The thing is..I just don't know how to talk about it. My mom has told me for so long that my depression is nonexistent that I don't feel comfortable talking about it. I always feel like I'm just whining or having "normal adolescent feelings". What do I SAY to him? I am so so scared. I'm afraid I'll chicken out when I get my big chance..

My boyfriend always says "f*** you" or "f*** off" to me?

He says it in a joking manner, but it still bothers me. He has never said it out of anger or to intentionally hurt me. I've told him before that it bothers me when he says it, but he says it just slips out because that's the way he talks with his friends and roommates. He apologized and said he wouldn't say those things to me anymore, but I still find him saying it a lot. Am I being unreasonable by being upset about this? Even though I know he's just messing around, I still feel like he shouldn't be talking to me like that.

Have you ever used your "veteran" status to talk a cop out of applying the law against you?

I am a vietnam veteran and it is very clear on my plate. I have never asked for any special favor, nor do I expect any. I would never try and get out of a ticket because I was in Vietnam.

What if i only eat grains and beans?

what do i need to add? all i eat is beans (black eyed peas, lentils, pintos) on whole grain bread or tortilla. with either mayo or sour cream.

Will she text me one of these days or am I forgotten? ? ?

she might have liked you cus its seems like she did, but she might of gotten tired of waiting for you. try to surprise her a random text saying you miss her and u want to get coffee or to catch a movie but in a few days hopefully it will make her come back around :)

Why isn't society doing more about child sexual abuse?

Because society (As disgusting as it sounds) is more focused on what celebrities are doing and the latest trends.

Potato salad with eggs, mayo, olive oil?

It depends how many people will be eating the salad. I would omit the olive oil altogether. If its for you alone I would make about 2 potatoes (idaho) cut into chunks. Boil this on the stove with a little salt. Cook until tender. Drain. Let cool. I would use 2 hard boiled eggs chopped, a couple tablespoon of onions if you have any. 1 cup of mayo with about 1 tsp mustard, mix mayo and mustard well. Pour over your salad and mix well. Sprinkle your salad with paprika to make it pretty. Paprika doesn't taste anything.

How can I gain calf muscles if I can't move my ankles?

I'm an 18 year old girl. My ankles were fused at birth. Therefor, my calves are very skinny and have pretty much nonexistent muscle. I can't wear shorts or skirts or dresses because they're too skinny. I would like to gain muscle there but I don't know how I can because I cannot move my ankles. Any exercises I can do? Please help......

Tofu spread for sandwiches?

I've been experimenting with organic foods, and veggie type foods. I purchased some Firm tofu, mixed with 3 tbsp. mayo, garlic powder, and pepper. It's amazing on sandwiches, but I was wondering what else I can mix with tofu to make a yummy spread. I tried adding dill relish, but preferred not having it in there.

Made a stupid mistake :( what i do anything to make it better?

last weekend i was at a friends house party and i ended up sleeping with someone my close friend liked. at the beginning of the night they where kissing and getting close but then she started making out with other people. a few hours later i was alone with this boy and we ended up having sex. i know i messed up because i knew she liked him, but i was very drunk. i've apologised, of course, but she wont talk to me at all, yet she's talking to him. what can i do?!

Would a church help a pregnant teen, even if theyve never set foot in a church?

OF COURCE THE CHURCH WILL HELP, it does not matter to them what u have done, as long as u have faith in god they will help u in hard times

Do you think God really exists?

Put aside our differences, our ethnic opinions on a particular religion or faith, speaking on a general plateau, do you think there is a God, i mean a true God, the almighty, or, is religion just an invention by many genius and great minds who predicted and knew that without religious laws and restrictions, constitutional laws would just have been nonexistent and that people would not really have been behaving like civilians and that the world would have been condemned without religions??? Most of us have faith in the religion we were raised with. For instance, someone born in a family with a particular religion, would most obviously follows it, lives and die with it. We protect and defend that belief. Very few have chosen another religion that has not been imposed on him or her since birth. All those religious oppositions and conflicts that has been going on for so many years, all those hatred and dislikes, all those pain and sufferings, casualties and loses from war between religions, do you think life would have been much better and more peaceful without religion? Does God really exists?

What are your opinions on

I live in America, where cricket is essentially nonexistent. I have been getting the Willow television channel through Directv and I enjoyed the coverage. Sadly, I can no longer use Directv at my new home. Is on the internet essentially the same thing and how is the coverage and video quality? If is not very good, what other options do I have with my new television provider being Cablevision.

Can Obama get just a bit more childish?

Obama is just stooping to level of debate that conservatives have set. Paul Ryan is a hack for millionaires and billionaires who deserves to have scorn heaped upon him. At least, Obama was "adult" enough to spare outing Ryan directly.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Small loan with barely any credit. help?

Is is possible you could get to work by other means (maybe your family could help out there if needed) and then save the money to buy the car - it will cost you a lot less as you won't be paying interest which you would on a loan. And don't go for high cost loans or internet deals which could be scams.

Is it okay to wear a slash back shirt to school?

My school is the same way. We have grade 9'ers at my school who have to wear uniforms, but no one else does. They belong to another school but are taking classes at my high school. Since our high schools are designated for grades 10-12, they stick out. Everyone else wears what they want. Short shorts, tank tops, etc. There have been girls at my school who have worn shirts with lace shear backs. You can see their bra, and it looks bad. I'd say wear the shirt with a tank or something underneath so that you don't show more than you want to.

How should I confront my bf about his ex girlfriend :(?

Okay so my bf went out with this girl for 6 months which is now his ex. and he's been going out with me for 7. he said i'm his first love blah blah blah. and they went out like a yr and a half ago. well she's back in town. she's here to stay now. and she wanted to see my bf yesterday while i was over :( so we saw her and it was really awkward but we kept polite. then my bf and i went back inside his house and he apologized for the awkwardness and whatever. NOW idk if she was really his first love i'm not sure..but yesterday i was like so do you wanna hangout tomorrow and he was like no...i have plans sorta. how do i confront him and ask him if i should be worried about him and his ex. I TRUST MY BF I JUST DO NOT TRUST HER :(

I'm afraid my relationship is unraveling...?

I believe your girl friend is not really a keeper. She is interested in your relationship and probably loves you, but she is not serous about it and she still want to have fun and get other guys attention which might lead her to accidental cheating, no one has the right to sexually joke around with other when they are in a relationship with some one specially to the point that she went. If I were you I would just leave her and find some one who actually and truly cares about me. you sound like a sweet guy and you deserve better. and BTW i think you're under reacting.

Is it a sin if you masterbate to anime?

Masturbation is a sexual sin. The only sex God approves of is between a man and woman married to each other.

I'm planning an outdoor event on July 10 and I need to know for certain what the weather will be like?

This event is taking place in Mayo, Ireland. I know that there is a website that accurately predicts the weather, but I have lost the web address. It would also help if you are able to include a link. Thank you for your time!

Where does Superman change into his suit now that pay phones are almost nonexistent?

he should start doing like Wonder Woman does.. just spin and transform... its so efficient, dont you think.. especially, if there are no more phone booths... Poor Clark Kent..

Am I getting my braces off soon? 10 pts!?

I go on vacation this summer and I want my braces OFF! I've had them on for two years this month and when I asked my orthodontist if my braces would be off by my vacation and he said it's "pushing it". The teeth they are targeting right now are moving very fast and the small gaps I had earlier this year are now almost nonexistent, if not gone. I really hope to get them off by my vacation (end of July). Do you think it will happen? 10 points to best answer!

How can I get my dad to love me?

My parents have been divorced since I was 5. I got to see my father twice a month until I was 10. When I was 10 years old my mom got quite ill and we moved from Texas to Minnesota because they had much better health care, and my aunt worked at the Mayo Clinic at the time. After we moved my father used to call me every weekend and we'd talk for about and hour. Then after a couple of years he'd only call on birthdays and holidays, and our hour long conversations had turned into 5 minutes. As soon as I turned 18 he was pretty much non-existant. He didn't come up for my high school graduation like he promised. He stopped calling me, he wouldn't return my calls or texts. I hadn't spoken to him or gotten a text from him in 5 months, I was freaking out I thought he was dead! One day he finally returned my call and said he was sorry and that he had just been busy. Am I crazy for being concerned, and am I too needy? I mean a text only takes like 15 seconds to write, that would have been enough. I feel like he just doesn't care at all about me. He didn't call me when my mom told him I had been in 3 car accidents in one week, I wasn't the driver in any of them btw. He didn't say anything when I texted him that I got into college. He didn't pick up the phone or reply when I wished him a Happy Father's day. Did I do something wrong? I just don't get it, I'm an only child; I'm suppose to be the favorite!

How can I convince my mother to let me walk around town at night?

Im 15 and I would like to know how I can convince my mom to let me walk around town at night before the legal curfew. I would much rather love to walk around at night instead of the day, especially since its summer. I've tried to convince her I would be safe; that I would have my cellphone with me at all times, and we live in a smaller town were crimes are virtually nonexistent, but I don't know what else to say. Any ideas on how to convince her?


first off, your second-best friend is now your best friend. Secondly, she'll keep cheating. Forget them both.

Is this a good diet to lose weight?

NO veggies or fruit? I mean it's not really a balanced diet but you will lose weight because it's low in calories.

Is this workout effective?

Perfect! Except for one thing! I know you must like coffee, but try to have only two cups a week! Apples are proven to give you twice as much energy as coffee, and if that doesn't work 5 Hour Energy was proven effective in 8 out of every 10 people! Good luck!

What is the norm for high school summer reading?

So, I go to a small Catholic school, and up until this year, summer reading was nonexistent (yeah, I know). Now, in general I think summer reading *is* a good thing, and I was actually slightly upset that my school didn't have it. This year, our principal told our new English teacher that we must have summer reading, but my class thinks (using information from friends in other schools who've had summer reading in previous years) that ours is a bit much. I admit this is partially from never having done summer reading before, but could you just let me know how it works in your school, so I get a general idea of what it normally is like? Thanks in advance :)

How to make being alone sound depressing?

I think you should add something like, "yet isn't it strange that I love being alone?" as the final verse. P.S I thought it was creepy when you said I love being alone.

Missing the 3rd week of birth control-Start new pack. .or finish and then start new?

Hello! Ok, so I would rather not get pregnant which of course is why I am on the pill. I very rarely ever miss active pills. However, lately I have stopped taking the last week of my set because it doesn't matter anyway,(I know, I shouldn't have, I've learned my lesson I promise) I get my period and then start a new pack that Sunday. Well... somehow this past week I did something awful, I just thought for some reason my period was supposed to be this past week so I just stopped my pills as if it was and decided to start the new pack at the end of the week.(like I normally did) But I looked on Thursday and realized that I had in fact missed the whole third week of my pills. I freaked out a little bit but not very much because my period started the same exact time of the week as it would if I had taken the 3rd week.(the day before, which was wednesday) So I know my chances of bing pregnant of course are almost nonexistent. I had a friend tell me I should start my third week on Sunday then go right into my new pack after that and that I hadn't really messed up very much. I've looked online again and again and most say the same thing: That I must use back up measures for 7 days to make sure I don't get pregnant. But on the matter of taking the 3rd week. . or throwing it out and just starting a new pack is a little confusing. There is not really anyone I can talk to about this so any advice or experience that you once had or heard of would be appreciated. I have till tomorrow night to figure out what I'm going to do. . So to recap, I have the whole 3rd week of pills, AND a new pack. Should I start the new pack like normal?. . or start the 3rd week then after I've taken the active pills go right into the new pack? (I would prefer to do the 2nd option, but of course only if its the best, also it seemed that most websites said to do that. . but because I have had my period I don't know if that changes things)

What in the world is going on with my bf??...?

My bf and I are both 18 and have been together for 9 months. We have had our ups and downs, but last night was definitely a major down. I was babysitting these 2 kids for about 4 hours last night when my bf texts me and says , "Umm who is in the house with you"..i said, "me and the kids why do you ask"....and he replied, "tell me the truth im not stupid i just drove by and I saw someone else in there" I had thought I'd seen his car drive by so I knew he saw the house (he lives near where i babysit so i wasnt completely freaked out but just thought it was rude of him to go out of his way to stalk me)...anyways, I called him (he didnt pick up)..soooo i left him a voicemail saying something like, "I would never call you stupid but youre definitely not right about this, it's me and the 2 kids, and no one else 1)why would i sneak anyone over while im babysitting and 2)if i ever was stupid enough to sneak someone over you should trust me that it would be you". Well, my bf continued to ignore me for ab a half hour. After about a half hour he answered and asked, "why do u keep calling me"...and I told him that I love him and that i need him to trust me and apologize to me for accusing me of something i didnt do. He refused to apologize bc he "knows what he saw". Then after babysitting I went to see him for a few minutes, and he still refused to apologize. I broke down in tears when he still wouldnt believe me, even though he wasn't mad at me, he still was acting like he "knewwww" exactly what he saw...and it was driving me insane bc nothing actually happened!! Well, once i was crying he comforted me and was all loving and sweet and I forgot about being mad. I'm really hurt that he doesn't believe me about this. Was he just making up that he saw someone else? Or is he really that paranoid of me? I've never done anything to make him distrust me that much.

Ideas for an apology song?

An apology doesn't necessarily have to be self destructive. It should just be humble and sincere. Take a listen to Anita Baker's "I Apologize" for a terrific example.

Am I worrying over nothing?

Get your husband alone and ask him why. He probably knows something. If that doesn't work, go to each family member and ask them if they would explain. You'll have to approach them meekly and let them know how hurt you are. One of them might confess to knowing something.

Rate my poem 1-10 please, and give suggestions for improvement?

I like it! 10! it is kind of weird how you are writing a poem about how you don't like poetry though, but it's good in my opinion!

How do I make downloaded kindle books look as good as the actual ones from the kindle store?

If you have an I pad download the kindle app makes life so much more easier plus it's on color... Plus I agree the kindle makes books look really nice

Has anyone ever eaten a cucumber mayo sammich besides me?

My favorite type of sandwich is sliced cucumbers on bread that has been spread with mayo. All my friends think it's weird. I've never once seen or heard of anyone else eating one. :P

Food poisoning???????

I have a subway sandwich and it's was taken out at 6 it's been in a bag, now it's 3:30 is it good??? Ithas mayo

What should I do about my former friend?

Try to talk out with her what bothered you and what stopped the friendship. If she gets mad at you for telling her than maybe you two shouldn't be friends. don't ignore her. give her a chance and if it doesn't work out, find other friends that are loyal.

I can't tell of she likes me and I'm scared to bother her but I don't want her to think I'm not interested...?

shes probably being influenced by someone that your not right for her or something which is probably BS. you should ask her why shes not txting you alot and see what she says. she could be having trouble at home with her parents or something. you never know, its good to ask

Is she leaving me or am i just being stupid?

My Other half went on Holiday last week and i began to miss her a lot so i called and text-ed her allot and i Will accept i may be been very clingy overly clingy i apologised to her but now that she is back she is ignoring allot of my calls and texts she blanks me on facebook and claim i am catching her at the wrong time Aka she has to go out just as i call or start a conversation we have been dating for 11 months this august

Problems with my friend.....?

Maybe your friend is having a hard time with her husband, maybe he is abusing her or something. I think that you should probably observe their relationship a little, but don't be stalkerish. Maybe she is pulling away because she is scared that people will be worried about her and that someone will "freak out" or something.

Where has my libido gone?

It's like it's disappeared. haha :/ It has always been very very very high and I just don't why all of a sudden it's just nonexistent. I was in a relationship that I ended a few days ago and when we were together we had sex everyday. Multiple times. We were trying to conceive which is when it started to decrease. Our relationship ended kind of ugly and maybe it's a mental block that has me this way. I'm not looking to have sex for a long while and I guess this should be a happy thing but I just want to know what could be the reason for this. What usually decreases a young, healthy persons libido?

What kind of rights do step parents have?

ok this question is two fold the first half is a bit complex my ex and i split up after some domestic violence with out getting into to much detail my twins were less than a year old the judge recommended supervised visitation every other weekend no over night visits yada yada..any how he visited the kids under the supervision of his mother for about two months before i found out she was never supervising st the time i couldn't afford a lawyer and didn't think i could do any thing with out one a little back ground on my ex is that he never actively participated in parenting he never acted interested in them or me for that matter that's beside the point by the third month we worked out an unofficial agreement that he could see the kids when ever he wished making his visits almost nonexistent any time he did see the kids for my own comfort i stuck around he remarried later and from what i saw she was fairly decent to the kids so i figured she was an appropriate person to keep an eye on him and the kids shortly after i started leaving the kids with them he started venting to me about how his new wife was pushing him to go for full custody knowing him well enough to know he doesn't have much interest in the kids i didn't think much of it as time went on she got more pushy about it and has decided that she doesn't like me in attempts to make me mad she dyed my daughters hair pink my twins as of now are four years old my daughter has medical problems and we visit children's hospitals out of state monthly at least and in my personal view i think it make a parent look irresponsible to dye such a young child's hair so i took her home tried to wash it out some came out but most of it stayed in and left blotchy blond orange and pink spots in her hair i tried to strip the color with hair stripper and it just wouldn't come out as i was rinsing it i found that her hair being so fine and baby hair started to fall out i was left with no choice but to shave her beautiful hair i was furious and when i took the kids to his house again his wife told her that i was a bad mother for shaving her head and that i had lied to her my daughter told me when i picked her up amanda says my mother is a liar she sounded so angry and hurt i brought it up to my ex and it cause a fight between him and his wife and three months before their first anniversary she moved out needless to say im relieved but now he has started talking about trying to work out their differences im worried about the things she will say to my kids especially about the fight she has told all of her friends and family that im the reason her marriage failed what will she tell my kids my idea is to tell him i don't want her influencing my kids and ask him to visit the kids in my home can i do that? and what are my rights as far as her bad mouthing me to my kids? the other part of my question is that im too have plans on remarrying again and would like to know my rights as a step parent can i pick my step child up from school can i take her to doctor appointments and attend parent teacher conferences also with taking my daughter to doctor appointments out of state will i be allowed to take my step daughter with me i like to take two kids so the trip can be more fun and we also visit the attractions and i would like to involve her in the fun we will make family trips but a trip with just three of us is special in its own right

How long does it take for a clot to form where a tooth got removed?

And should I keep biting down on gauze even when the bleeding is almost nonexistent? how long should it take for the area to completely heal. It was just a regular tooth, a molar near the back (not a wisdom tooth), that got removed.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Diet Tips? Please Help?

I'm ready to get Skinny god d a m n it. So, I've already been dieting, but I've been slacking off. & Yesterday my mom & I have started walking around our block, & today we walked around it twice. & My eatting habits have decreased a lotttt. Like, I only eat 2 things a day, then I have like a sandwitch (Bread, Mayo, Tomatetoe, & Turkey) I'm loosing my muffin top (SCORE) But I just need to know what cardio exercises can I do? I'm 5'8, So I should be 130 Pounds. I'm 173 Pounds. (Used to be 200 Pounds, take that b iii t c h e s ;3) & I only drink Water, & occationally a dr, peper or energy drink. What are some exercises I can do to Tighten up my stomach, make my arms less flabby, & my thighs less big? I've got all the rolls off my back ;D but I still need to work on my shoulder blades. & would a guy go for a big girl if she's loosing the d a m n pounds?

Confused about her personality...?

she is shy. She loves to talk to you but has not enough courage, so try to talk to her a lot. It will helps her to quit being shy. She pulls back when you have little disagreement because she doesn't want to hurt you. A small cases can be huge cases, and she doesn't want that. Start the conversation with her. She is shy, but one day she will change. Talk with her. I support you from here. Good luck.

I got an email from TD Canada Trust?

This is a classic Philising Attempt to extract personal details about yourself and account.....delete it...........

How do i handle this HELLPP :(?

okay, so me and my cosine got into a huge fight and to make a long story short we both made mistakes and in the end i was the one to say sorry lets fix it. ahe tried befor but she didnt say lets fix it she said lets just barey talk....that hurt because we were like sisters and it wasnt even over a huge fight but anyway im just like fine get past it and i wanted to fix it completley not barley talk, she said no and never apologized and is now ignoring me. i didn't even do anything bad so anyway if she wasn't family i wouldn't care but she is and there are a LOTT of big bdays coming up and im sure the family will have a party...she is more popular so to speak with the family because she sees them more then i do so when we go to a family event what do i do? she hates me and we usually are stuck like glue its going to be torture how to i act. its hard to ignore it...any advice?

My wifes insecurity is driving me crazy!!?

Other than the examples of what you said of the time before you were married, do you know of anything in her past that would make her so insecure? Maybe she was abused by someone and it's affecting her? I think you need to really set her down and talk to her about this and tell her you love her and ask why she's so paraniod. Hope this helps.

Input on a younger male friend?

This may seem trivial but I"d like input about a male in his mid 20's that I have been friends with now for about 3 years. I am 40 and we talk through either our phones or on facebook (never calling or actual talking but on messenger) and he does have a girlfriend. We used to have great conversations and now He will message me things out of the blue that make no sense; for instance we were talking the other day about cars and then says "I like subway". One night he messaged me "I'm a *****" out of the blue. I have met him a few times and I know he is white. Last night he messages me out of the blue asking about car insurance and when I told him what I have, his response was "he's a *****". This time, I tried to joke and sent him song lyrics which he was like "huh" and I then tried to apologize after I told him I was playing his game. Now I am wondering if he is mad at me and I hate to lose him as a friend and he usually gets back to me when he wakes up but hasn't. Why would a young guy even want to talk to a 40 yr old woman and send me random things that don't make sense a lot of times? Any input is greatly appreciated. Should I try to message him again?

Do you think Naughty Dog should bring Crash Bandicoot again?

It would be a good idea but they probably won't do it. We can now only hope. It's just that with their era of Uncharted they won't be bothered to do it.

How do i handle this HELLPP :(?

okay, so me and my cosine got into a huge fight and to make a long story short we both made mistakes and in the end i was the one to say sorry lets fix it. ahe tried befor but she didnt say lets fix it she said lets just barey talk....that hurt because we were like sisters and it wasnt even over a huge fight but anyway im just like fine get past it and i wanted to fix it completley not barley talk, she said no and never apologized and is now ignoring me. i didn't even do anything bad so anyway if she wasn't family i wouldn't care but she is and there are a LOTT of big bdays coming up and im sure the family will have a party...she is more popular so to speak with the family because she sees them more then i do so when we go to a family event what do i do? she hates me and we usually are stuck like glue its going to be torture how to i act. its hard to ignore it...any advice?

Did Chris Christie trick the people, or only Democrats work in New Jersey?

i got no problem with unions paying into their retirement and health care. it should not be left completely up to tax payers

Can someone help me find songs for my English project, please help!?

I have to find 3 songs that describe the plots of anything we've read in English this year and it has to be creative! The things we've read are Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Antigone, Julius Caesar, Lord of the Flies, 1984, The Nonexistent Knight, The Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, and a bunch of Shakespeare Sonnets. Please help!

Can anyone give me some solid advice on how I should deal with this?

You should let her deal with her boyfriend for now, at least. If she really loves you and has you in her mind every time, eventually she's gonna break up with him. But don't try to push it. Let things take their natural course, if she stays with the guy, it means she's really happy with him, but I doubt it. I've experienced this on my own, and i know the feeling when you get back with your ex, and feel that connection again. So my opinion is, try to get with your things in life, and let time do it's magic. Let her be with that guy, she's going to come back eventually. When she comes back though, don't let her immediately in your life, try to hold on for a bit, and then get together with her. If you let her in your life too soon she's gonna think it's easy to get you back in her life whenever she wants to, and that's not good. Take care bro, good luck.

Is marriage allowed in heaven?

I read somewhere that marriage is nonexistent in heaven. If thats the case, whats the point of finding that special someone and having great feelings for them? Whats the point of building up that relationship, then having it thrown away?

Have you ever celebrated Cinco de Mayo?

In Highschool , I took Spanish and the teacher loved that holiday. We were allowed to skip all other classes to celebrate. Eat, watch movies with no relation to Cinco de Mayo, and were allowed to chat but in Spanish.

Does he like me! i can't think!?

Any normal situation would be easy to tell. But it's harder since we have a history. We went on a date before and I really liked him and he seemed to like me. But then he just became distant and said things like it's not you it's me. And said things were difficult in his life. So i stopped talking to him as much. Later when we became friends again, he would always apologize about what happened with me. And I'd brush it off. Then he'd always ask later on if i had a boyfriend or was flirting with anyone. Then would play it off as telling me to be safe. I'd ignore him a lot after that when he would text or i.m. But soon I randomly started to fall for him again and text him back. He seemed happy and said we should hang out more and things like that. He even said we should go hang out and see a movie soon. I'm still not sure if he meant date. He never clarified on our first one. So I can't get out of my mind if he likes me or not. I feel like he thinks i text too much. But when i don't he asks why. He doesn't seem to like to talk to me. I even went out my way to eat pizza at his job yesterday with my last money just to see him. And he just acted funny then later said he thought i was mad at him. I just can't tell. With the past, and how he seems bored when we text. And never clarifies the date. I wish i knew if he was thinking about me as much as i think about him...

How do I play these games I torrented?

Okay, so I've set up two games: Diablo 2 and Simcity 3000 Unlimited. But, I digress. I installed both of them and when I went to play them, a popup blocked it, and it told me that I needed to make sure the games were in the CDROM drive. Since I torrented them and do not have a material disk to put them on, I cannot insert them into the drive. So I'm kind of screwed. Both of the games are mounted on my DAEMON tools lite thingy and installation was fine, and I already got the cd keys in. However, I don't know how to insert a nonexistent game into a drive. What do I do?

Who should intiate contact NOW? Me or him!?

So i asked my ex-bf today to meet up before he went off for vacation for 2 months because I needed to apologize to him for the way i broke up with him, and broke his heart and stuff. He said everything was okay, and that he wasn't over me. He still loved me, and although he still wants me, he doesnt know if he wants to be in a relationship again because he's afraid I'll hurt him again. I said it was up to him, but perhaps we could stay in touch while he was gone for vacation and start fresh when he's back. He said that we could stay in touch, and see what happens when he comes back. So what now? He still has a week before he leaves, should I text/talk to him first? Or wait until he says something...

Where Can I Buy E. & O. Mari, La Preferita Violin Strings?

try audubon strings ... ... if they don't have them, they can probably get them.

If a guy hasn't texted in four days?

Recently, my friend tried to "set me up" w/ this guy who lives two hours away from me. I got to know him through text and i met him once and he was really shy i could barley get anything out of him he latered apologized for being so shy. Anyway, him and i text every now and then we use to text each other every day and now its becoming less and less. Should the female be the first to start conversation or should the male during texting? He seems sweet but i don't know if anything will really come between us. Could he possibly be uninterested? He doesn't have a job, he doesn't volunteer and i know he doesn't have a car, he does hang out w/ his friends alot though. During our last text he said that he wanted to see me on the fourth of july and i said that i wasn't sure what my plans were but i haven't heard from him since and this was four days ago should i text him? By the way i am a 19 yr old female and he is a 22 yr old male. Any ideas? Thanks!

What Is Going On With Me?

The first thing I was going to say was you're probably anemic, until I read the last sentence. But you still could be. I'm only considered anemic half of the time, because my blood level is always right on line, sometime over sometimes under. You may be like that, meaning it may show up no anemia, but you may still be anemic. I feel terrible all the time. Try iron pills, that's what I take for it. Also, I know it sounds funny but my doctor had me go on a regime of water for a month just to show me how much better my body feels with water..seriously try it. I was told to drink at least 3 bottles of bottled water a day, and at least one glass of orange juice or apple juice. I still drank sodas and sugary juices, but the water made me feel so much better. goodluck

Is there such a thing as "eating normally"?

normal people eat what appeals to them..if you don't like's just your taste. i think it's many people don't like different foods..i don't think they are's all individual tastes and opinions..

Do You Think This Is What The Divas Division Should Look Like?

Yes, that would be great if wwe ever did it which I doubt since Vince dosent help wwe anymore, if the Divas division was like that it would be great and help the divas division a lot so it would be awesome if wwe did do that and I hope sometime in the future that happens so it would be great to see divas turning face and heel and there should be longer divas matches so that can help the divas division also. So that's what I think about your idea. Your idea would be great and help the wwe a lot.

I'll lose my job if I don't agree to destroy my team lead... Advice?

This is a dysfunctional company. They've been lucky. I would find my way out of there. You don't need to lose sleep or get ulcers in an environment like that. (unless of course the pay is BIG TIME)

Just got ripped off on a car? Can I return it?**ten points**?

So, I paid about 4000 on an audi 1998. The man I bought it from bought it from another man. The car had been in an accident and this man assured me he would fix and get it running up and stuff. Well now the sale has been signed and stuff.It is in 'as in' condition. But when I drove I noticed that something was wrong. I took it to meinke and they told me the car's transmission is pretty much nonexistent and that supposedly I have three days to return it? And I was wondering if anyone know the lemon laws and such in arizona to confirm it? Also isn't false advertising? I was assured a fully functioning car and clearly this isn't one. Well thank you. (:

How to get my girlfriend to come back(we've been together for over a year)?

I ignored her(for a couple weeks, she didn't even try to talk to me either) for neglecting me. I decided that was wrong to do,so I apologized & said I loved her. Now she's ignoring me for over 2 months and counting(missed my birthday too). I stopped contacting her after I apologized. She recently made a facebook account and added a friend of mine(she knows him thru me) and talks to him on there a lot(hes married), im sure just so i'd notice her/get jealous, she didn't add me. No contact between us for months.Shes stubborn and wants to prove to me that she can leave me(we've broken up/got back together a lot). I tried calling her today; but my cell # was blocked, but didnt block me from fbook?My friend just blocked her from fbook.What should I do to get her back?


I'm sorry I thought this would be a paragraph but I didn't realize you wrote a f*cling book on it. Come back when I dot want to slap you!!

Who would be a good SG pickup for the Bulls?

I was thinking maybe a player like OJ Mayo because he plays pretty good defense & can create his own shot

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Does it usually work out when your friend does this or does karma break them up? Like, for what they did to u.?

I recently went through a break up with my ex, not that long ago. I was with her for quite some time. We were even talking about our future but eventually she dumped me. Eventually she started apologizing to me and telling me the mistake she made. And right before she was about to come back to me, my best friend flirts with her and wins/steals her. He knew I was not over her and I told him that but he's like "I don't care, I like her so get over it..." I seriously love her more than he ever will. And the other day, I secretly heard a conversation between him and his friend and he said "if she breaks up with me like she did to justin, I don't care." He seems to not care about her and just want a relationship. I wish she could realize that I'M the one who truly loves her. My friend aka her new bf doesn't seem to give a crap about her but I'm afraid if I tell her, she'll think I'm jealous and purposely trying to break them up. I want her back though. I can't believe he did this... ={

Which girl should I choose?

well....this is a huge mess....that woman pat is too old...find some one young and exciting like you

My work history is nonexistent and im a full-time college student.... what should i do about a job?

I'm 21 and the only "work history" I have is volunteer hours out of state. I live at home but would lice my own place. What do I do??

It's normal for a child to invent an imaginary friend, but it's downright weird to invent an imaginary father?

Just because you don't like it when people use their imagination doesn't mean they shouldn't. Many people have said a problem was unsolvable until somebody came along and used a bit of imaginative thinking, and changed everything. Maybe somebody crushed the imagination out of you when you were young. Maybe you are just not very imaginative by nature. But if you don't understand something, that is a poor reason to oppress other people, mock them, or insult them.

Why am I not losing weight?

Cut calories to 1200 or 1300 a day if you dont do any exercise and you will lose, also try eating a ton of fiber. I ate that fiber1 cereal and stuff all the time and took well over 100% of the recommend fiber value in (which is fine if you drink lots of water) Cut out the pasta and rice/sushi for a bit, the corn chips, and the viggie burgers and hotdogs (just me instinct telling me you should) . Stick to chicken breast and fish. Subways fine, I used to eat the turkey sub, no cheese but everything on it (vegies, olives, peppers, tomatoes, all of it!) on whole wheat with a little beat of fat free sweet onion sauce. It was delish and only like 350 calories (good calories) get it on whole wheat of course! As weird as this might sounds, I never drank milk the whole time. I took calcium pills. Instead of spending 100 calories by adding milk I would add 100 more calories and eat my cereal dry, or mix it into oatmeal( which is awesome) This will allow you to feel more full. None of this advice is professional but it worked for me. In my opinion information coming from someone who was in the same position is more knowledgable than a professional who hasnt struggled and adapted to weight loss.

What happens when your land disappears due to natural disaster?

If your land erodes away into a river or is covered by a volcano or falls of a cliff, what do you get? insurance could pay to rebuild your home, but on what? the land is gone. would you still have to own the property that doesn't exist because you can't sell it? would you have to pay taxes on the nonexistent land? this question came up when watching the weather channel and they showed houses just falling into raging storm waters.


Consider this a learning experience and let it go. I gather you are still young and need to make wiser decisions next time. For now, you have to accept and deal with the consequences of your behavior. Sadly, the person who has been damaged here was your ex-boyfriend. He too will learn from this and hopefully not feel that all woman cheat. This is not being mean, but truthful. Take your losses and let him move on. I tell you to let him move on because IF he were to take you back, it will never ever be the same. He may not trust you again or he may make "mistakes" similar to yours and you will not be very accepting of it.

Will OJ Mayo ever live up to being "The Next One"?

Will he ever be the star that he and other people projected himself to be, I think he has the potential, he just has to be on a better team where he can better display his talent

How bad is it to soak rigid/hard contact lenses in solution meant for soft contact lenses?

I'm running a little low on the conditioning/soaking solution for my rigid/hard contact lenses and I'm currently in a third world country where the rigid conditioning/soaking solution seems nonexistent in markets, pharmacies, and optical stores--how bad would it be if I bought a container of the soft contact lens conditioning/soaking solution? Is there some other substance that would be better? (Water?)


Okay so I'm a girl and I just graduated from high school a month back. There's this guy same age as me that i met 2 weeks before school ended. His name's Anthony. I saw him my freshmen year and thought he was soo hot. Honestly the kid kept getting hotter. Anyways lol, I noticed that junior when I'd walk by his group he'd always stare at me. Like a lot. After a while I got super annoyed cause all he would do was stare and not talk to me. Then senior year he continued to stare but even more obvious! I wasn't sure if he was staring cause he was interested or he couldn't get over how ugly I was. Then senior year, two weeks before school ended we talked for the first time, I was standing with one of his friends cause we were assigned a room together for a senior project speech. I was looking down at my shoes but I could feel him staring at me so I looked up and he got surprised and he gave like the cutest smile. Anthony and me got to talking that day and he left when it was time for my speech cause his classroom was on the other side of school. I talked to him the day after but only for a few minutes cause i was in a hurry. I sent him a friend request on facebook like a week after graduation. Then he asked for my number. So I gave it. He always texts first & replies in less than 3 minutes which is kinda cute. Cause most guys will have me text first and take like 10 minutes to reply. He kept like saying random dirty jokes and then he'd be like haha jk. I know he's kidding but I decided to ask are you hitting on me or what? He's like yeah haha i am hitting on you. I said why? He replied that he thinks I'm cute. We got to talking more and he said he wanted to hang out with me this weekend. So we planned it out & all. It came up that he even told a few friends about me that he thought I was cute. He kept insisiting on hanging out. Thing is his family is really complicated. His mom lives in a different state so hes leaving Tuesday to go visit. He lives with his dad and his like 7 year old sister lives with someone else. She came to visit and she wanted to go do things with her bro and dad before 4th of July. I believe him because i heard how much he loves his younger sister from a mutual friend. He kept apologizing and promised that he would make it up to me. I felt really bad cause he apologized like 20 times. Literally. A lot of people have told me that he's so nice and stuff. He really does seem so. Many guys have told me Im pretty and cute but idk. I just find it hard to believe someone as hot as him would be into me. (If you want pics of both of us for reference email me ).Does he seem like he's really interested or is he just messing with his head?

Why do people hate Jesus Christ if they believe he is dead or nonexistent?

I mean if you hate a person and he/ she dies, the hatred normally would cease. It would look foolish to curse a dead person at their grave. Is this proof that our MIGHTY LORD AND SAVIOR has resurrected, and is VERY ALIVE! and sits on the very right hand side of GOD!

How can i get longer thicker hair?

Hello, i have back-length (past shoulder) hair and it is a little thick i guess but i want it longer and thicker. I use all the home remedies (mayo and egg) on my hair and i use all natural hair products, and i don't see a difference. Please help, any tips or tricks?

Why do people think they have a right to use people when they want something?

it seem like my sister only wants to know me when there is something she wants like babysitting or looking after her house when she goes on holiday then she comes to me practically every week but when she has what she wanted i don't see her or the kids sometimes for months she only lives 20 minutes away and she drives i don't when ive mentioned this to her before she either turns it into a big argument or she will apologise but within a few months she is doing the same thing again if it was a friend treeting me like that i would drop them like a stone but she is family and even if i can live my life without her i would'nt be able to see the kids i dont think i could cope with that

Are there Gashapon machines in America?

comon not that much cause they use high grade material but they r around if u look u might find 1 jsut dont be shocked when u dont

Should I still be his friend?

Ok so I have this friend, who had been my friend since high school. We both graduated about five years ago and in those 5 years friend really has changed. It’s mostly how he treats his other friends and women and I don’t know I want to be around him anymore because of it. For example when his car is broken and in the shop, he calls his buddies up that he rarely talks to and pays them gas money to drive him around until his car is repaired. And when they need a ride, he blows them off saying he can’t when he can and says he never really liked them in the first place. On the same issue, he is a back seat driver, he starts telling the person who is driving how to drive and yells at them for driving too slow, not being in the right lane and even give them directions which gets us lost. He also treats women really horribly. He has had two girlfriends and they both broke up with him for similar reasons. They both broke up with him because he was controlling, manipulative, cheated on them and treated them low. I personally asked him a few weeks ago if he could go back in time and change anything or apologize for the mistakes he made he told me “ No, because in a relationship, one has to be right and one has to be wrong and I ALWAYS HAVE TO BE RIGHT!” This disgusted me and made me really look at him differently. Also we work together. He got me a job the same place he works at. At work, he sometimes makes mistakes on paperwork and when the boss asks him questions, he says he doesn’t know and it wasn’t his fault. The Boss turns to me and gives me this “well if it’s not his fault then it’s YOUR FAULT” kind of attitude. And my “friend “doesn’t apologize or anything. Sometimes he evens comes to work drunk or is drunk on duty. He gets into arguments with co-workers, makes mistakes on paperwork and even leaves the bottles in plain sight. I go out of my way to get rid of the bottles, make amends with the co-workers, and I even take him home and take over work for him. I get a simple thank you and a promise it will never happen again. He breaks his promise and it happens again, usually every other month. He pushes away his old friends and those who really care about him and replaces them with new friends who are shady and shallow and I don’t like them. I told him and he told me he is not really there friend and he is only using them. I tell him to stop hanging out with those people but he won’t listen. He seems to be befriending anyone who can help him gain whatever he needs then screwing them over and bragging about it. I don’t know if I still want to be his friend and be around his new “friends”. Even all my old co-workers and old friend say he is a shitty friend and I should ditch him. Should I based on what I’ve told?????

How to apologize to my boyfriend?

im 17 and i had this friend who was 24 and he really liked me and always wanted to hang out with me but my boyfriend did not like me being around him or talking to him because of his age and because of the fact that he really likes me. So i stopped talking to him and seeing him like my bf told me too. Because i would want him to do the same for me. But last night i was laying in a blanket with my bf and idk i was getting too clingy so i was all over him and he was like what do you want? (after i kept staring at him) and i got up and texted the guy he told me not to talk too and when he texted back my bf picked up my phone and saw and got really mad. And didnt want to talk to me and i said im sorry but now he doesnt trust me. What should i do? How should i apologize? what should i say? How can i make him trust me again? I dont want little stupid things like this tear us apart (cause to him im always doing stupid things)

Looking for a good low calorie Vegitarian Salad, Something that would be good as a side dish?

Everything I am finding that even sounds decent has Mayo in it. I am not a Vegetarian but I am trying to eat healthier. I usually have something like fries or Jalapeno Poppers for a side dish with whatever we are having and I want something better for me. Can you recommend any easy to make Veggie salads or Fruit. Something that Packs a Nutritious punch. Also I don't buy stuff I will only use once so unless it is an widly used ingredient that I can put in other things too, I probably won't make it.

Should I get back with my daughters father?

My daughters father and I have had extremely hard times the past few months since she's been born. He has anger issues (ADHD & Bi-polar) and could not control his anger so I broke up with him about 2 weeks ago. The other night he came over begging and pleading for me to give him another chance and would do whatever it takes to have us as a family together. It was very sincere and genuine, so I told him he could spend the night. History has a way of overcoming anger is about the most i can say! Anyways, I woke up in the morning and heard his phone go off. When I went to check it out, it was his exgirlfriend who he was with before me. After reading their shared texts, I saw her saying she loved him. I obviously confronted him, and he quickly told me he had no feelings for her. (The girls pregnant and with another man, she's not very smart and continuesly makes bad unhealthy choices while carrying a child.)He made it clear he did not want to be with her, and again seemed as though he was telling the truth. But then, about an hour later he confessed that they had messed around, not slept together but she lets say,gave him a release and he did nothing to her. I was extremely hurt and I asked him to leave. He began apologizing and actually crying because of his stupid actions. I still made him leave and for the past few days hes been very determined on apologizing about everything.. I'm not sure what to do because technically we were not in a relationship when this happened, but we were only broken up for 2 weeks. He says no guy whose been deprived and is overed that certain sexual deed cannot refuse, it was all sexual and no emotional.. What do you think I should do? I'm so confused because I do love him and wish to have a family but am unsure if this is forgivable.

Ebay 2011 Customer Service Phone Number?

why don't you use online chat. a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

My boyfriend is being agressive towards me?

we were play fighting then he got serious and raised his fist getting ready to punch then apologized later that night. That was the first sign of agression. Two days after he randomly started verbally abusing me calling me a slut,***** saying that I sleep around and I don't deserve him etc. then he apologized again and like an idiot I forgave him straight away. I found out by the horses yesterday crying and when I tried to help he told me to **** off. There is something wrong with him and I can't get it out of him. If he doen't fess up to what is happening and fix his behaviour should I leave him?

In modern times, is Israel the worst human rights violator of all the developed countries?

The entire nation, every square inch of what is named Israel is stolen land. They defend this stolen land with the vigor of any thief. Call the land a gift from the UN or Britain -- it was not the property of the UN or Britain. Believing the lies of Zionist news media does not create truth. To believe Zionist lies "because the bible told me so" is worse, it is self deception. Israel is an incredibly blatant violator of human rights.

Bucket list assistance?

So my bucket list is next to nonexistent, so I'm just going to put this out here and see what I get. Any and all suggestions are excepted. Except things about drugs. Drinking is fine, but no drugs.

Do guys not like me because of how i look?

Haha I don't see why they would stay away your Beautiful and maybe you need to change up how you are like try to approach them instead alot of guys today are weak and wimpy they have this girly attitude its retarded lol. I think they are just missin out from what I can tell lol if you want to talk you can email me at :p I'm a fun person

HELP ME PLEASE..with this letter?

do not re-new your contract, don't cancel your contract either because this makes you voluntarily homeless, the council will not see it as you being homeless you must be evicted. To do this tell the landlord you will not be paying anymore rent after contract runs out tell him its because of the reasons that you have stated in your letter. The landlord will serve you with a notice of eviction to leave the premises because he is not going to renew your contract this should be 30 days depending on your contract you will have to pay this month to avoid getting bad credit but don't pay straight away make him wait or he will withdraw the notice. If your not bothered about your credit don't pay any rent at all he will soon want you out. Take Your letter of eviction to the council saying you will be homeless on that date stated on your letter and by law they have to re house you. The only way the landlord can get you out will be to take you to court so this may take 3 months. If you really don't care about your credit then don't pay anything not even your utility bills because the landlord is responsible for these and he will have to pay them, it will be a little pay back for you for not having the proper facilities that anyone deserves. Hope this is of some help to you.

What would indicate feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness in my chart?

I know how you feel. and i dont think astrology is going to help. I know this sounds like nonsense but maybe its because you had a past life that your still clinging on to unconsciously. Maybe you can do a self hypnosis to find out what was it about your past life that you loved and why you can't relate to current society. I did my own it really helped. the link is to the self hypnosis

Why are colleges so underrepresented with most minorities?

With the end of my junior year I have researched and visited many universities and I can't help to notice the fact that most schools, especially the 'best' ones, are almost all White, with Asians taking almost all of the population that wasn't White. With all the schools' claim that they see the importance of diversity and with Affirmative Action(which many complain about, but really isn't as relevant as advertised) I expected to see, maybe not a large population, but large enough for Hispanics and Blacks to really have a presence in these schools. Instead I found that they were virtually nonexistent. In my opinion this is a damn shame and I personally, as a black male, feel massively disappointed. Thanks to all answerers!!!

Why do movies make morning breath seem nonexistent?

I see it all the time, couples waking up then talking to each other with their mouth basically on the nose!!then kissing..yuk! I think we all know morning breath can be somewhat unpleasant!

I need a girls advice so I don't make a mistake?

Yeah, drop her a text, wish her a safe trip home maybe!!! She can open the convo from there if she wants to! If she likes you she won't mind u texting her so you've not got much to loose!!! Good luck and hope it all works out!!

Question about the United States in WW2?

Hi there. I was recently reading a book on WW2 and I came across something rather odd to me. It was saying how in the United States, in comparison with other countries, fear was somewhat nonexistent. And how during the war, Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia held no elections. In the United States however, Americans experienced 2 presidential elections, 3 congressional, and hundreds of state elections. Why weren't Americans "afraid" during WW2?

If someone attempt to press their religion or lack of on you, and you ask them politely not to...?

Can't you stand up for yourself? And yeah people can think what they want, they don't have the right to rub my nose in their beliefs after I tell them to STFU.

What's a good anime site that I can watch anime on my ipad?

Flash player is nonexistent on iPad so it's almost impossible to find a anime site with watchable videos.

How can I get over my first love?

I fell in love with one of my best guy friends. He had a girlfriend. After a few months of that he broke up with her for me, or so he said. When I asked him what was going on he said that he needed to be alone for awhile. Well I left him alone for awhile but he kept coming back to me. every time it was the same story: Hed apologize,Id fall all over again, he'd screw up, Id get pissed and try to move on. This happened countless times. Finally it seemed like things were changing he was so sweet to me and then he even asked me on a date. Well on our date I screwed up. I hooked up with him something that I always swore that I would never do. And then to make it worse when I finally got up the nerve to ask him what our relationship was he told me that it was "New Beginnings", but that he didn't know if it would go anywhere because his parents might ground him after seeing his grades.At first I felt ashamed of myself, but then slowly I started to gert over it and now im actually glad it was with him, and Im still a virgin and that is what matters the most to me. Anyway Im trying to get over him, and I cant seem to do it completely. I haven't talked to him, Ive talked about it, Ive done everything they say to do except cry. For some reason I can not seem to cry over him. I think I need to allow myself to feel that pain in order to let go and start to heal, but I simply cant do it. If anyone has any advice it is much appreciated. Thanks

What do i do about this?

Just ask her, wait for the right time and bring up the situation. But I suggest you don't look up porn. God has better things for you and wants to give you a better life.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Can you use role play characters in a book?

Are they characters you've created, or do they have ties to another existing fictional universe [i.e. they're based on World of Warcraft, Harry Potter, etc.]? If they are your own unique creations, you can use them in a book. It's not even as if many people know the characters as it is.

How to get rid of head lice?

So my head was starting to itch a little and I though it was from being out in the sun and I got a sun burn on the back of my neck and around my ears and top of head. Anyways I was at a friends house at a pool party with the kids and Family together, she called me today and told me that her daughter came down with head lice.....I need to know what I need to do with getting rid of them. I haven't seen any eggs or lice in my hair or my sons, but what to treat my house as if I had them so if I do I can get rid of them before they start. Add when treating my hair does Mayo really work? Thanks

How can i improve the relationship with my parents?

My dad and have basically a nonexistent relationship. He works a lot but when we go out to eat with the family and we're alone for a couple of minutes he ignores me and my mom i only see 20min a week. she has a 7 to 5 job. Once i went to eat with her alone when we where waiting for photos to be developed and she handed me half the newspaper to read so she didn't have to talk to me. I don't feel i can talk to them about anything personal and conversations are always awkward and 1 sided. I feel really lonely in my house because i'm always alone and all i have is my dog for company.

Has anyone ever tried MorningStar Farms meatless products?

I have eaten BOCA burgers before and I like them. They are mainly made with Soy. I stay away from anything containing mycoprotiens or mushrooms. Kinda grosses me out.

What if a POTUS these days declared a federal holliday with the purpose of giving thanks to God?

Perhaps you're confused. Why would life mean nothing just because there is no afterlife? Life is wonderful in that you can define your own. Why would it make you feel worthless and want to kill yourself because there is no greater power whose whims you have to indulge?

Is he just leading me on? I'm hurting! Help!?

I thought he was into me becAuse we saw eachother every Saturday night I had off from work.. He would hold my hand kiss me, pay for everything, hang out with my friends n tell me they were awesome.. He introduced me to some of his friends n kept talkin about others he wanted me to meet ( even as of last Saturday). However in between the times we see eahother we barely talk and I don't get to see himduring the week which is silly cuz we live close to eahother and I work wacky hours. He told me he cares about me which I can believe while were together cuz of the way he acts but it seems if it isn't saturday night I don't have his attention.. I don't even seem to be on his mind... Rightnnow he's away with friends.. He didn't even ask to see me before he left and now were gonna go longer than usual without seein eachother.. All I got was a 2am text this past Saturday to see if I was nearby.. He got sorta nasty with me cuz I said come on don't u know I work every other weekend n he said shut up I don't know your schedule.. n when I explained I wasn't being bitchy it jut came off wrong thru a text... He didn't answer me... He went away that morning n I haven't heard from him in3days.. Whats the deal with this guy?? Super affectionate and tells me he cares about me when were together and nonexistent when were not. I'm hurting!

What kind of birth control would be best?

The whole reason i started it was to shrink ovarian cysts. I have taken 3 different types of pills; the first made me absolutely psychotic.. crying one minute, flying of the handle then next, and then practically suicidal. the second i bled practically all month! and the one i'm on now is fine, but i keep headaches, and my sex drive is basically nonexistent. My husband thinks he's doing something wrong but i know its this freakin birth control! I've only been married 3 months, and I'm 19.. any advice would be appreciated! I just need something to prevent pregnancy, cysts, and not kill my sex drive!

Will I Gain Weight From What I Ate Today?

not really weight gain like weight loss takes time it dose not happen over night it takes weeks and months

How to win back his frienship?

He probably freaked out when he got a message from ur "sister" yelling at him about all that. Of course he would stop talkin to you. He probably doesnt want any trouble. Its obvious your too immature to be doing that anyway. You got wht you asked for pretty much. Leave him alone. Move onto the next one.. Next time dont act a fool over the internet andhe may still talk to you

Is there worcestershire sauce in cane's sauce?

I know you can't name the ingredients in the sauce, but I figure somebody could tell me whats not in it. I'm probably wrong, but I think there's mayo ketchup garlic powder maybe paprika/black pepper? I know there's more stuff in it than that, but I've been trying to make it. Of course, it will never even be close, but I must try! Thanks everybody!

WDoes my best friend likes me?I like him but I don't know how should i tell him?

Well if you don't want your actions to mess up y'alls friendship you really need to think long and hard about what to do because if you do tell him and he likes you too of course y'all start dating but what if then things don't work out so you need to think about that are you willing to lose him as a friend if stuff don't work out but again are you that much into him that even if y'all do go out and things don't work out it was worth it so if your that much into him tell him the worst that would happen was for him to tell you he sees you as a sister. or have one of your other friends casually bring it up when your not around and go from there.

What do UK men think of cowgirls from Texas?

I mean do people in the UK were boots or big belt buckles????? Or is the whole western/country culture thing like nonexistent there??

Existent or nonexistent , so if no one can see god, therefore he is invisible, but yet people believe he?

is real and worship him, but invisible equal nonexist, and if something is not real then how can it fall into existent.where do god stand? for example people are visible; they exist but when they died they become nonexistent.

Vegan question - etiquette?

I am in community college and sometimes grab lunch in the cafeteria after class because it is very convenient and I am in a rush to get to work after class. Anyways, I am a vegan and my only real option is a hummus wrap. I get hummus and all the veggies that they offer. I always got the sense that the woman working there was annoyed with me for ordering something not on the menu (never mind that she gives me a pathetically small amount of hummus), but I just ignore it. Yesterday, she took the spoon out of the mayo so there was a large glob on it, while she scooped up some hummus. Before putting on the wrap I politely spoke up and asked her to use a clean spoon because I don’t want mayo in it. She did, but seemed irritated, but I just ignored it. (For all she knows I am allergic). Today I went to get a hummus wrap and she told me that they no longer carry hummus! I don’t know if it had anything to do with the day before, but it almost seems like it! I think she is the manager, too. Should I complain?

Can someone help me find songs for my English project, please help!?

I have to find 3 songs that describe the plots of anything we've read in English this year and it has to be creative! The things we've read are Macbeth, Romeo and Juliet, Antigone, Julius Caesar, Lord of the Flies, 1984, The Nonexistent Knight, The Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, and a bunch of Shakespeare Sonnets. Please help!

Being worth the wait?

I feel like the phrase is almost nonexistent now lol but after giving myself up to a guy 8 years older than me who just used me for his own fantasies has made me have some second thoughts about having sex. I got really attached to him and he was my first so the hurt was sooo bad :/ I don't wanna feel like this again, I want to be sure the person I give myself to truly loves me first, but waiting until marriage seems like a loooong time and I'm not gonna lie, sex is amazing!! So should I just be more discerning? I'm 16 btw and just trying to be smarter about things. Thanks :)

Will starting Metformin again make me lose more weight?

So I started taking Metformin around this time last year to regulate my insulin levels. I didn't change my eating habits or exercise routine (which was pretty much nonexistent) but within the same month I started taking it, I dropped about thirty pounds. Well, after that month, my doctor took a pregnancy leave, and had someone fill in for her, and there was a misunderstanding, which resulted in the new doctor taking me off the Metformin. A year has passed, and I've maintained the weight loss, (by sheer luck) because I'm lazy as all get-out. I started taking Metformin again a few days ago, and I'm wondering if it will have the same effect on me, making me lose weight and such..Has anyone else experienced this dramatic weight loss effect in such a short amount of time while taking Metformin? If so, how much weight has the medicine made you lose?

Have i ate alot tody?

Since you excercised you are fine, but try to eat healthier so that you can eat more and not obtain that many calories. It is much better and satifying to get to eat a lot and know you did not have many calories. Try to eat more fruits, vegetables, and protein like eggs.

Why is my husband so distant from me? Or am I crazy?

We've been married for 10 yrs, no kids, both work and I'm going to college now. I'm 34 and he's 35. Maybe I'm going crazy but I feel like my husband doesn't care about me anymore. The moment he gets home, he showers and eats and puts his earphones on and watches movies on Netflix or plays his games. I love talking, so I ask how his day was, just trying to make conversation. I start thinking, maybe I'm not attractive anymore, maybe I'm too boring. I do everything in the house, even outside (mow grass, wash car, garden, etc), I pay all the bills, I get groceries. I do EVERYTHING. The only thing he does is : work, eat, shower, sleep, computer. That's all. We've been invited to go out with a couple of friends, he said he was too tired. He never wants to do anything. I don't think he has depression because at work he's very sociable, very polite with everyone. People tell me: "what a lucky girl you are to have him!" and I just nod. Sure! So he's one person outside of the house and another inside. So people think I'm crazy. He has absolutely no interest on me. Always with earphones on. If I go talk to him, he said "shh... wait for commercial" (and he's watching a 2 hour movie on Netflix, so there's no commercial). I feel so frustrated. Ten years is a long time to be married. I feel very unsatisfied. Our sex life is basically nonexistent. But I just don't want him for sex: I want to have a good companion for everything! Someone I can talk to, listen to, share everything with. What do you think: am I crazy? I've tried going to therapy, he said there's no reason for it, because everything is great. (not!)

How are atheists certain that there is no evidence for the existence of gods?

to put it simply, the only proof provided to date is a book. theres been no arc, no god making his presence known, or any kind of proof for that matter. were i to see a legitimate sign of god (not jesus ina cracker or crap like that) or the arc that noah built, id believe easily. until any religion brings forth some true proof of there god or higher deity, there is no argument. you cant just expect the world to accept books and tablets as proof of something existing. we write books every day. and i dont see people fighting jedi or riding dragons.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Can I feed this to my horse?

Hi! I'm an obvious troll. I'd like to know if I can feed my horse three Cheez-its, a snake, a watermelon with the rind, a car tire, a hippo, two pairs of shoes, an elevator, three cheeseburgers with mayo, and a hot air balloon?

My Bestfriend kissed my crush?

okay so me and this girl i like..and my two other friends..and we we went doing nothing kinky like that. but we were in a store and she walked away and so did my friend i thought they just went separate ways and going to buy something and im like "time to make my move". i followed her ending up seeing her and my best friend in a Deep make out...soo i need help dealing with this. she didn't see me but he did.. later he apologized and said she came on to him.. and she did. so should i keep chasing this girl.. and should i forgive my friend thanks in advance

Whats the best homemade sandwich you ever had?

Mine was AWESOME!! was normal loaf bread, ham, grilled halloumi cheese, fried chorizo (with basil) all together with tomatoes, green leaves and mayo with a twist of chilli!!!

Could some liberal help me out on the question of why they think Obama is so intelligent?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

No me llega la menstruacion despues de mi primera relacion sexual!!?

El 25 de mayo tuve mi primera relaci�n sexual, si hubo dolor, tambien usamos preservativo, pero no hubo sangrado. Mi periodo no es regular me pude llegar cada 4 o 6 semanas y la ultima vez que me enferme fue en 5 de mayo. 1 semana exacta despues de mi primera vez, el 1 de junio, tuve un flujo color cafe, pense que me habia enfermado pero no se si era menstruaci�n o no porque los 2 d�as siguientes tambien hab�an peque�as manchitas de color cafe, pero no eran sangre y no eran tan abundantes como la menstruaci�n y no se que ser�. Y desde mi primera vez no me llega la menstruaci�n y ya me hize una prueba de embarazo de orina y me sali� negativo y no se que ser�! hay alguna posibilidad de embarazo? porfavor ayudenmee!!!!!!

Getting rid of head lice?

So my head was starting to itch a little and I though it was from being out in the sun and I got a sun burn on the back of my neck and around my ears and top of head. Anyways I was at a friends house at a pool party with the kids and Family together, she called me today and told me that her daughter came down with head lice.....I need to know what I need to do with getting rid of them. I haven't seen any eggs or lice in my hair or my sons, but what to treat my house as if I had them so if I do I can get rid of them before they start. Add when treating my hair does Mayo really work? Thanks

Do you like my poem? What can i improve on?

You seam to be changing your meter with every stanza. Some of the verses seem like they came from a different poem. But other than that Nice chops. keep at it you'll be the next Poe.

Where did I go wrong?

There was this girl that I liked and I sat next to her in class, but I was so shy that I couldn't even talk to her. I wanted to, but I just didn't have anything else to say. Well, I'm not he best at starting conversations. I've only talked to her a few times before class. So one day I brought up the courage to ask her out for lunch and she said yes, she'll give me an answer the next day. And the next day, she said she couldn't make it cause she had to go on some trip. Okay. So I ask her again 2 weeks and the same thing happened. She said yes again but the next day she told me it isn't gonna work out. Me being confused and naive didn't really know why she would tell me yes then no. I felt kinda bad that I put her on the spot by just asking her out without really talking to her so I went to this bakery and got this really nice cake for her, like a gift to apologize. Then when I gave it to her she got really embarrassed then I knew she didn't like me. I felt really bad because it was unfair that I put her on the spot in front of her friends, but I didn't know that she'd react in that way. Now we don't even talk to each other, but I hope if I see her again I can at least say something. Where did I go wrong with her?

Was he trying to blame me for our failed relationship? It's long, but reading it would mean SO much!?

.He's not worth the bother.As he talks in circles and suggests,that as you live in a secluded world,that time and life will pass you by.So by insinuating that you are too apologetic in your behavior.So he overlooks his own shortcomings and blames you

My head lice won't go away HELP!!!?

DID you clean everything around the house??? If you did not clean you room like spotless clean or the rest of the house that is why. When you get lice you have to clean the whole house from top to bottom especially your room. wash all dirty linen bed, couch shampoo rugs ETC.

Do you think Weiner's "I have a sickness" nonsense will help him keep his job?

Or does this just buy the leftists time to find him a cushy job somewhere that fits his skills, which are nonexistent?

Is my mayo still good 1 month after expiration?

I've heard different logic on whether or not it is safe to eat it.. Its a little less than half a month past expiration..

All these accomplishments in just 24 short months? Amazing?

I didn't read each and every whine you have about Obama. But the ones I did read I see nothing wrong with or it's a lie.

Dry damaged hair. how to fix it?

last year i tried to box highlight my hair instead of waiting (i know STUPID) but its fried now..i've tried mayo eggs virgin olive oil everything..nothing seems to be helping it...and dont tell me not to highlight fiance already told me that one...please only answer if you know of a good home remedy or store product thanks

Input on a younger male friend?

This may seem trivial but I"d like input about a male in his mid 20's that I have been friends with now for about 3 years. I am 40 and we talk through either our phones or on facebook (never calling or actual talking but on messenger) and he does have a girlfriend. We used to have great conversations and now He will message me things out of the blue that make no sense; for instance we were talking the other day about cars and then says "I like subway". One night he messaged me "I'm a *****" out of the blue. I have met him a few times and I know he is white. Last night he messages me out of the blue asking about car insurance and when I told him what I have, his response was "he's a *****". This time, I tried to joke and sent him song lyrics which he was like "huh" and I then tried to apologize after I told him I was playing his game. Now I am wondering if he is mad at me and I hate to lose him as a friend and he usually gets back to me when he wakes up but hasn't. Why would a young guy even want to talk to a 40 yr old woman and send me random things that don't make sense a lot of times? Any input is greatly appreciated. Should I try to message him again?

Aquarian man does the opposite?

He wants to hang around you cause hes know you like him..... And he waiting for you to slip up so he can ger them draws..... Without being in a relationship with you....

What do you think of this?

It's a really good concept and creative, but there was a slight confusing part for me. Like, maybe you should tell more about what the "deer boy" legend is... and if he was a legend... why did he suddenly appear on a normal school day, i mean just out of no where, catch my drift? I mean, i get hes different,but i think everyone should be "scared" of a legend, not exactly teasing him. It's really good though, dont get my wrong. Continue writing, but remember to spend more time explaining this deer boy legend and why he suddenly decided to come to this school.

USB stick has nonexistent memory?

My USB stick is 64GB, the files on the drive add up to a little over 20GB but it's saying it has around 59GB. There was a problem a while ago, but I used a program to recover the files from it but now this is happening. How do I fix it?

How many calories are in this?

I would guess that it is about 1000 calories for the whole thing. Check, you can login with an email and it keeps track of your calories and a lot more.

Any other "artists" have no sense of creativity or originality?

Creativity is something you can learn, so don't worry. Also, there are a lot of art jobs that involve doing what you are good at (copying, making work designed by others). Artists look for inspiration, so you need to live life, meet new people, look at/ listen to/ experience more art, and learn new things. Most creativity comes out of solving problems (making things work) and some artists like to to exercises to practice this. One that I think is fun is to write down a bunch of words, put them into a pile of concrete things (people, places, things, physical attributes) and abstract things (emotions, personality traits, invisible things) pick two from each pile, discard one you don't like, and make a work of art about the 3 remaining words. Another good practice is to come up with at least 30 ideas/sketches before deciding what your work of art will be about. that means 30 ideas based around 1 or 2 concepts. so, say you want to base ur work of art on a certain topic, like trees, and you think u want it to be about growth or maybe family, so stay focused on trees and growth or trees and family for every one of ur 30 drawings. really focus in on what you want and then do it as many different ways as you can... and then do 10 more. usually the last 10 are the most interesting.

Several issues rolled into one...?

First of all, it IS possible to have daily "major" orgasms daily. In fact, I am able to have more than one a day. Imagine that! Learn some new tricks, have her SHOW you what she does to bring herself to orgasm when she masturbates alone. Trust me, she does do that. You are both responsible for your own sexual satisfaction during intimacy.

Recovering from anorexia meal plan?

No, that is not nearly enough. Most recovering from anorexia are on meal plans between 3000-4000 calories per day to regain their healthy and you definitely should not be swimming as you are 25 pounds underweight for your height. See a nutritionist who specializes in anorexia to get on a proper meal plan.


I think I should point out that quoting passages from a document to prove what that very same document is trying to say is obviously not very convincing.

Could some liberal help me out on the question of why they think Obama is so intelligent?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Is this a healthy lunch at a Mexican restaurant?

I am thinking of having carne asada with no rice just extra re-fried beans (no cheese, add red enchilada sauce) and coleslaw (vinegar based, not a mayo based slaw). I am trying to stick to a 1300 calorie diet to make sure I am looking top notch for my wedding in a month, and I do exercise, but I feel bad that I am missing lunches with the girls from work!

I really need help, but I cannot afford a doctor, if I'm left alone I'm sure I'm going to hurt myself.?

Okay take this from someone who knows what you're going through, smeone whos made the attempt herself to commit suicide multiple times. You are not alone and for some reason even when you try to die you find yourself coming through it somehow. You are not meant to die. God did not want you to die if he did you would be dead by now. There is hope, when you were with her the pain went away. This feeling is not permanent. I want you to know that. Don't be in denial or ashamed but you need help, go to a doctor you need help to get through rough times so you won't feel depressed. I know death may seem logical at times or a lot of the time but its not. You have a whole life ahead of you and we need you in our society because every person makes a difference one way or another. You are not screwed. The right girl will come along too. Most likely when you're not lookin for her. So do me a favor and don't do anything rash because life can be beautiful trust me. I hope you get through this.

Best guy friend or not?

Ok so I have this best guy friend,shall we call him Tyler? Ok so tyler and I have been best friends since we were little. We we had puppy love up until 6 th grade. We had a relationship that didn't last long in 7th and 8th grade is where all the drama happened. He never talked to me in public, he was really sweet to me when others weren't around, he got a girlfriend, which made me really jealous, then he started calling me little miss perfect, and he'd avoid me. Well I put up a wall and acted like how he was treating me didn't bother me. He knew I still wanted to be more than friends. Then I started to make fun of him and his girlfriend, we'll call her Mia, cause they went out like three times before and it never lasted. I made bets on how long it would last, even though I wanted him to like me soo bad. One day I broke down and asked him why he was treating me like dirt. I thought it was cause I wasn't pretty or popular enough for him. And then he blamed it on me! Weeks later he apologized, him and mia broke up, etc...I don't know if I should trust him or not. Any thoughts? I'm a freshman now.

7 week diet, what do you think?

With the exercise you will tone up your muscles and muscles weigh heavier than fat but you should lose around 14lbs. Good Luck.

Is it true that Christianity gives you more bang for your buck, cause you get three gods for the price of one?

I never thought of it that does sound like a tempting bargain...could you throw in a gift card to Hot Topic with that? I'd like to know I'm getting something that has physical properties...even with 3 gods, it's still an invisible product

There's something wrong with me, what is it?

This sounds like depression. Firsly, you need to go to a therapist for antidepressants to be able to get rif of a tunnel vision and then start getting your life together. Try to find some hobby you like, start working out, jogging, join some club to meet new people

Do "organized Religions produce "Cowardly Followers?"?

Courage is a good thing, intimidation of the being inside people is not, we are not born of the spirit of fear.

Where does Superman change into his suit now that pay phones are almost nonexistent?

he should start doing like Wonder Woman does.. just spin and transform... its so efficient, dont you think.. especially, if there are no more phone booths... Poor Clark Kent..

For some reason my iphone 3gs says i dont have service and my 3g connection is nonexistent. help!!!!!!!?

I have reset settings, turned it off and back on, went outside to make sure its not the building im in idk what to do. im thinking its messing up because of a software update i installed earlier but im not sure and ive never dropped it either,.,....ANY/ALL info is appreciated!!!!

I've got an MSI 880G-E45 motherboard and it won't start; how can I fix it?

I'm building a computer rig and I have the previously mentioned motherboard. When it's connected to the power supply the case buttons and a fan, it just doesn't start. When I turn on the power supply the internal power-button lights up, but upon pressing it or the external button nothing happens. The results are equally nonexistent with any other arrangement of components plugged in (CPU, HDD, ODD, RAM, etc). Does anyone know what's wrong or how I can fix it?

Is it normal for a husband to call his wife names when he's in a pissed off mood?

I'm sorry about this- people say a lot of bad stuff in the heat of the moment, but the fact is that he needs to work on facilitating this behavior because he cares about you. Tell him so; you deserve the best!

I tend to buy all name brand items... do you?

Like with bread i buy Sunbeam. With Ketchup I buy Hunts. With Mayo I Buy Kraft. Do you buy all name brand items or do buy the off brand? Also is Sunbeam known as "High Quality"Brand?

She Obviously Doesn't Like Me? (10 points)?

I wouldn't contact her, it seems as though she isn't interested in you the way you are in her. If she's ignoring you and what not, then she is definitely not worth your time and you have absolutely nothing to apologize for. I hope everything works out for you!

What in the world is going on with my bf?......?

My bf and I are both 18 and have been together for 9 months. We have had our ups and downs, but last night was definitely a major down. I was babysitting these 2 kids for about 4 hours last night when my bf texts me and says , "Umm who is in the house with you"..i said, "me and the kids why do you ask"....and he replied, "tell me the truth im not stupid i just drove by and I saw someone else in there" I had thought I'd seen his car drive by so I knew he saw the house (he lives near where i babysit so i wasnt completely freaked out but just thought it was rude of him to go out of his way to stalk me)...anyways, I called him (he didnt pick up)..soooo i left him a voicemail saying something like, "I would never call you stupid but youre definitely not right about this, it's me and the 2 kids, and no one else 1)why would i sneak anyone over while im babysitting and 2)if i ever was stupid enough to sneak someone over you should trust me that it would be you". Well, my bf continued to ignore me for ab a half hour. After about a half hour he answered and asked, "why do u keep calling me"...and I told him that I love him and that i need him to trust me and apologize to me for accusing me of something i didnt do. He refused to apologize bc he "knows what he saw". Then after babysitting I went to see him for a few minutes, and he still refused to apologize. I broke down in tears when he still wouldnt believe me, even though he wasn't mad at me, he still was acting like he "knewwww" exactly what he saw...and it was driving me insane bc nothing actually happened!! Well, once i was crying he comforted me and was all loving and sweet and I forgot about being mad. I'm really hurt that he doesn't believe me about this. Was he just making up that he saw someone else? Or is he really that paranoid of me? I've never done anything to make him distrust me that much.

Fun arena exercises for my horse?

Ground poles! They will keep your pony active, and aware of his feet! You could try arranging them in a serpentine pattern, which is actually really fun! Have fun, and good luck!

Do you have a tomato pie recipe you recommend?

I am talking about the type of tomato pie with slices of tomato, onion, seasonings and a mayo cheese spread on top and then baked. Not a pizza pie.

What kind of mayo do you get when you buy a rice ball?

Dose anyone know?? i would love to know the brand and if it can be brought from aisan stores or the supermarket

Upright piano with 87 keys?

I just asked something about a "rothman's piano" witch seems to be a nonexistent brand. Now I'm looking at the picture and realize that there is only 87 keys on the piano. Is it a frequent thing?

How can I get over my fear of intimacy?

Ok then, let me go at this another way. Maybe you could try to be near guys more often, and just constantly tell yourself that its ok for guys to hit on you because it IS. Guys hit on girls all the time and nothing can really help you but yourself, just set your mind that its OK when guys call you pretty and that you shouldnt feel awkward. You know how when people have stage fright they tell them to just pretend there is only ONE person in the audience, well this is similar, just picture the guy as one of your best friends and that way you wont be uncomfortable. Hope this helps and sorry i misunderstood the question before.

Why are Capricorn men fearfully jealous and possessive? I am curious..?

You seem to have tons of problems with everyone. So I'm guessing it's not a Capricorn man thing as much as an Aquarius girl thing.

Why do movies make morning breath seem nonexistent?

I see it all the time, couples waking up then talking to each other with their mouth basically on the nose!!then kissing..yuk! I think we all know morning breath can be somewhat unpleasant!

Do I Leave him alone? Or apologize to him?

say sorry you ******* wanker **** pussyhole **** pissed cunty ****** dickeded wanker ****** ****** and thats whyb you shouod say sorry!

Does he like me as a friend or more?

There is this guy i like and ive liked him for a while now i think he likes me but I'm unsure he looks at me all the time and when i hug my friends he always wants a hug. Whenever we fall out he is the first to apologise even if im the one in the wrong. So does he like me as a friend or more

Help! I'm trying to change my image?

My sister is in A+ Dropouts (look up On your own by A= dropouts cheska is my sis on youtube) So how about take the whole style thing slowly what my friend does is she dresses girly for two days then edgey then girly again. Some brands are aeroposotl,justice and hot topic hope thsi helps and good luck

Denise or Spreedog,Would you advise a 30 year old male non smoker who had?

a papillary bladder tumour removed30 months ago and is fine, to visit a Doctor in America.The chairman of his work said they would help him so a)Is it worth all the hassle of flying from Europe b)How can i find DR (Spreedog )at the Mayo clinic .3) or just follow the orders of the doctor who operated on him?

Why are they getting bigger!?

Hi there, I'll start off with some basic facts. I'm a 21 year old female. I have been having unprotected sex with one partner. I do drink. I've been gaining weight lately...a lot. Two pant sizes within a month or so. My breast have doubled, almost tripled size. Before my last period I took like 10 pregnancy test because I had symtoms but all were negative. My period was very heavy with large blood clots for the first few days then very light, almost nonexistent for 8 days. My breast haven't stopped growing and are still so sore. All of my friends that are mothers are convinced that I'm pregnant because of my body changes. My period is due soon so I took a hpt and got a negative result. What's going on here!?

A question about balance of both good and evil....?

It is said that there will be no suffering for those who will enter the kingdom of God, a paradise as described, so evil will be nonexistent there.... How do you think the saved souls would adapt and familiarize themselves in such a place we call heaven if they are used to living with a balance of both good and evil during their stay on earth...?

I have no friends, is it my brother's fault?

Please stop living in the shadow of your brother for God created you and for a purpose. Stop being jealous of your brother and let your emotions be emotions of love why stress yourself with a feeling you can conquer. Learn to forgive your weak points as you work on them. At the end you will be a winner because you will have overcome not only your attitude but will venture in another avenue of love.

Can I teach myself piano?

I have been playing the piano my whole life. This is exactly what I recommend: Get a teacher, learn the basics. Spend a year with that teacher working really hard and absorbing everything. they have to give you. Then, once you have a firm foundation, you can use the internet and music literature to teach you. If you want to become professional, then you certainly need a teacher to get you there because there is so much about music that you would never know unless someone taught/explained it to you. But if you want to play for your own pleasure, I strongly suggest you get a good teacher to give you a good foundation, then you can teach yourself through youtube, piano forums, music literature, harmony and theory from people like Schoenberg just like I do, and you should be just fine

Friday, August 5, 2011

Could thyroid problems be behind my fatigue and depression?

Also make sure you cut all sources of caffeine from your diet no soda ( coke , pepsi ) you drink root beer or sprite , coffee , tea ( no black or green ) or chocolate. should help cut down on the anxiety /irritability and insomnia. I've heard caffeine has a negative affect on the thyroid. Caffeine also exacerbates the symptoms of stress anxiety . Detox from caffeine may take a week or two.Have aspirin nearby for the head aches and be awake you might feel extremely hunger when you start to kick caffeine.

Which is the healthiest option from Mcdonalds?

Nothing. MacDonald's is one of the worst possible place you can eat! If you eat there to much it can result in liver failure. I recommend mixing in a salad. Just dont eat there ever!!

A battle of 2 young teams: Who wins?

Team 2 would win. They have a better bench than team 1, but not by much. Their PG is already a great shooter and a future star, Ellis is better than Mayo, Gay would beat the Jeff Green matchup, Aldridge and Love are about the same but Aldridge is great at hitting mid-range shots and taking it in. Center matchup is kind of a wash because Bynum is great offensively but Bogut plays good defense. The Center matchup will be key as to who gives their team more possessions. In the end though, I think Team 2 wins in a close game

What is a good approach for a girl who's boyish?

i like the personality of this girl..i find her catchy..she's boyish but very pretty and doesnt talk much... i find her cool i mean she's boyish but then i saw her once joining the flores de mayo ( a parade where the most beautiful women are chosen) after seeing her that way i adored her more from being boyish to the elegant girl i just saw.. how to approach a boyish little bit snob girl.. ^_^

Should I just end this relationship?

I love my boyfriend to death, but i'm growing more and more frustrated with him. We're both 16 and i'm 2 months pregnant with his baby. He's extremely sweet and caring and loyal, but I have this problem with him. He never spends more then one full day with me. He gets homesick and is emotionally attached to his dad, who has been in and out of jail his whole life and who now has custody of him again. He constantly wants to spend time with his dad, but he needs to spend time with his pregnant girlfriend too. He's barely ever there to help me cope. I'm getting extremely frustrated, although he apologizes often for this I just NEED him to spend more time with me. What should be done here?

Should I change my last name to my mother's maiden one?

My father has never been a part of my life and I have not ever been associated with him. My grandfather has been a surrogate father my whole life and my mother's part of my family has been there for me all the time, but my father's side has been nonexistent. I do not want to take my step-father's name since I don't like the name and find his side of the family not to my liking. So, I was wondering if it would be a good idea to change my name to my mother's maiden name. Should I?

Can someone please give me some words of encouragement?

I'm an 18 year old 2011 high school graduate. I'm being kicked out of my home by my mother. I don't feel like I have a home. I'm distant from my whole family. I turn to church because it makes me feel at home. I love it, and I love God, but the more I go, the more I grow dependent on it. Now it's gotten to the point that whenever I'm not there, I feel nonexistent. I pray and read the Bible on a regular basis, but I'm beginning not to feel anything. My girlfriend and her family welcome me to their house with open arms, but it still doesn't feel like home, and when I go over there, my mom stops talking to me or fights with me for weeks at a time because she doesn't like them. It's 1 AM where I am, and this is probably the fifth night in a row I haven't been able to sleep. My own room feels like a foreign place to me. Right now, I'm looking to Yahoo Answers to pour my heart out on because I don't feel like I can talk to anyone else. Can someone please give me some words of encouragement...?

Christians, other theists: does it not seem strange to believe in something that can not be disproved?

well yea, the problem is that theists dotn want to question the origins of their belief...they are afraid like i was. they revert to the bible but dont even realize that they believe in the bible for random reasons basically. god could exist for all anyone knows.......but you are lying to yourself if you think it makes sense to believe thats just true.

Why are people still interested in getting a green card?

I just read an article about the technical glitch in green card lottery selection and I was surprised so many folks across the globe still want to pursue the so-called 'American Dream' that is pretty much nonexistent now. Some of them say they still admire the American way of living, the decadent, wasteful and materialistic life. If you are from Africa, it is understandable but some of these applicants are from Ireland, Spain or some other European countries that I've visited and I truly believe life there is just as good (if not better) as life in the U.S. I wish these people know how lucky they are and not affected by what they see on TV and other media, which are all lies.